We adore Moissanites, we will forever keep adoring them.
But... what do our clients say?
Here are a few of our clients opinions on their sparkly Moissanite Engagement Ring.💎
(Hint: Their honest opinions makes our hearts overflow with glee!)

"My Moissanite ring is so sparkly! I love this stone and this ring because it’s brilliant and strong as a diamond, but sustainable. I know that Moissanite is also found in meteors and that feels special to my fiancé and me and our relationship. We love looking at the night sky!" - Abby P. in the Jana Stacking Set with her fiancé!
(Engagement rings are more than just a ring, they hold beautiful stories and are memory makers. 👏🏻👏🏻)
Abby continued to say: "I get compliments on my ring *all the time* and I'm so happy my fiancé chose it. I'm truly the luckiest in a million different ways."

"I am so in love with this ring, I can't even tell you how much I love it!" - Shilo R. gorgeously smiling with the Abela Stacking Ring Set!

"Thank you so much for the most amazing ring ever!! I truly love it." -Emma F. with her Josephine Engagement Ring captured by the incredible photographer Kaley from Kansas!
And that's only five out of thousands of clients who have a Moissanite Engagement Ring!
We LOVE building relationships with our customers and hearing their adoration for their engagement ring is one of the most special gifts. We are so grateful for the opportunity to create for you.
How much do you love YOURS? Leave a review, we'd love to know!! 💖